Langsam werde ich mir unheimlich; ich fühle mich wohl, wenn ich Oldies höre. Aber es gibt auch gutes Neues.
- The Frames: Paradiso
- Glen Hansard: Once (Music from the Motion)
- Audioslave: Audioslave
- Soundgarden: Superunknown
- Temple of the Dog: Temple of the Dog
- Thees Uhlmann: Thees Uhlmann
- Imaginary Cities: Temporary Resident
- Coldplay: Mylo Xyloto
- Van Halen; Van Halen
- Manfred Mann’s Earthband: Watch!, Angel Station, Chance
- Fischer Z: Word Salad, Going Deaf for a Living, Red Skies over Paradise
- STYX Pieces of Eight; Paradise Theatre; Kilroy Was Here
- Johnny Cash: American IV: Man Comes Around; American V-a Hundred Highways
- Foreigner: No End in Sight
- R.E.M: Collapse into now
- Guano Apes: Planet of the Apes
- Green Day: Awsome as f***
- Foo Fighters: Wasting Light
- Alan Parson’s Project: I robot
- System of a down: System of a down, Steal this Album